

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Always Something To Do!!!

Well despite the heat yesterday I got pretty much most of my list of jobs done and.......I actually sewed. Granted it was only some hand basting of the neck and armhole bindings on my dress but I sewed and it made me happy.

On to a new day and another list of jobs. It's a nice day so I will wash the sofa quilts and dry them outside, sweep and wash the back yard and wipe over the window sills which have got very dusty.
It's going to have to be salad for tea tonight and as Ruby will be here for tea I am going to make some of my sweet and sticky meatballs to go with it. I think she will like those.

I'll be seeing lots of my Doodle over the next week or so as she will be here with Mummy, Daddy and Marlowe on Sunday for our Diner Style party and then Monday she comes to stay for a week. Our plan of her coming to stay when DD was on annual leave didn't work out so there won't be many trips out with me not being a driver but we will find lots to occupy ourselves and lunchtimes can be a picnic at the little park near us.....if the weather stays nice.

Another job I might do today is gather some Lavender from the huge bush in the front garden and tie it up into little bunches for the airing cupboard. I haven't done that for a while but I feel like doing it today.......or I wonder if Ruby might like to do that next week and make up some bunches to take home to Mummy. We usually do something crafty so that she has a gift or two to take home. Mmmm I shall have a think about that. is needed now so the kettle is going on.
Bye for now....and thanks for stopping by.



  1. Have you tried making lavender wands? I bet Ruby would enjoy that. X

  2. I'll Google that Jules and take a look. Thanks-x-

  3. Exciting times having Ruby for a week, I am sure you will find lots of things to do.

  4. I'm sure Ruby will have great fun with you even without the days out. I'd have loved being able to collect lavender from the garden and I bet Ruby will love making something to take home with her. xx


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