

Monday 6 November 2017

I Need Matchsticks Today!!!

It was a waste of time going to bed last night. I think I have managed about an hour of sleep and my eyes just don't want to stay open now when I have a job list to get through.
Best get some matchsticks to prop them

Got up to a lovely frosty morning. It's very hazy up to tree top level but above that is a clear blue sky and some sunshine.
My most favourite kind of morning and I would love to go for a walk but I have barely enough energy to drag myself back upstairs to change the beds and clean the bathroom.
Oh well.....hopefully there will be a few more like it when I am feeling more like myself.

I am hoping that by the end of this week the inside freezer will be empty and I have deliberately kept the fridge reasonably clear so that it can be switched off and thoroughly cleaned. Once that is done I can go off to Iceland and restock both freezers.
Yesterday I pulled out the last two pork fillets and they are now marinating in lime juice with garlic and chilli. I'll roast them tonight to have with some salad and Charlotte potatoes and there will be enough to slice up for pack up rolls....well if they don't shrink too much that is.

I suppose I ought to go and crack on upstairs. Andy is on nights this week and he will be wanting to get into a nice clean bed for his afternoon nap. he will be going up a little earlier this week as he has to get up to pick Ruby up from school.
Coffee first though....can't even contemplate housework without me coffee 😀

Thanks for dropping by today.
Hope you have a lovely day.


  1. You sound as though the tide may be turning on the flu/cold front. I have had an energetic day even though there is a trail of tissues in my wake.

  2. It's that cold here today that I've got the fire one. There are some years when we it's that mild we put it on once just to check it's OK! Wonder if we are in for a bad winter.

    Glad you seem to be on the mend. If I were you I'd make the bed and get in it next to Andy :) xx

  3. It was cold n crisp n icy this morning. I ventured out to work still coughing n spluttering. Hopefully it's on it's way now and you get well soon xxx


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