

Wednesday 19 October 2016

It Never Rains But It Pours!!!

The operation hubby has had should hopefully be the end of his brush with cancer although it will potentially leave some problems for him but this morning we have had the dreadful news that my Sister In Law has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be undergoing a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
It has knocked me sideways.

I visited hubby twice yesterday and he looked much better now that the effects of the anaesthetic have just about worn off. He is having problems with his throat from being intubated but that should wear off.
He has phoned me this morning and he was up and out of bed ready to have a wash and a shave.
He is possibly coming home tomorrow. I hope so because he is not eating properly. He said even the toast is disgusting.
I have an order in for beef stew and dumplings......that's my boy!!!

DD and I got in from visiting at 8:30pm and we were so cold we had to light the fire. There was a really icy feel in the wind and rain and the house felt horrible. A fire and a nice cup of tea soon put us right but we both went to bed with hot water bottles.

There will be a little bright spark in my day today as Ruby is coming for tea after school. It will only be a quick visit but I am desperate to see her. We'll drop her home after and go straight off to see hubby although I have to call in at Argos to collect some pillows first. Gosh this is a busy week.

Nothing much to do in the house apart from lay the fire and clean up the dogs carrot crumbs so I might bake some cupcakes when that's done.

Hope you are all having a good day.
Thanks for your visits and the supportive comments.



  1. Oh dear you are certainly going through a lot, stay strong xx

  2. Your are so right it never rains but it pours. Thank goodness it is good news for your husband, hopefully he is now on the mend and can recuperate at home. So sorry to hear about your sister, hope all goes well with her treatment. Take care and have good time with Ruby.

  3. Dear Sheila:

    Very sorry to hear about your sister-in-law and hope all goes well with her treatment.

    "I have an order in for beef stew and dumplings......that's my boy!!!" beautiful words to hear. What is it about British hospital food - really that is not good enough and recovering patients need good wholesome food.

    Glad you soon got warm once you were home with a good fire and hot cup of tea.


  4. Sorry to hear about your SIL. Good news about your DH and I'm sure you'll both be glad when he's home. Enjoy Ruby time today even if it's short. Catriona

  5. At least the OH is bimbling onward , they tend to do that


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