

Sunday, 23 October 2016

He's Getting Cheeky!!!

You can tell he is getting on the road to recovery as he is getting cheeky now.
Apparently I am letting the side down by not providing jelly and ice cream as they do in hospital....I have threatened to put a clamp on the tube to his leg bag and drown
I duly sent DD out this morning to buy jellies and vanilla ice cream so that should shut him up for a bit.

Today he will get his beef stew and dumplings but he'll have to wait until tea time as DD is at work until 3pm so I am just about to make him a ham sandwich to keep him going. His appetite seems to be as good as ever.

After lunch I am going to cut his hair and help him to have a shower to freshen him up a bit. He's not liking all this sitting about at all. I think I may try and get his jogging bottoms on later and take him for a short walk down the road for some fresh air.

Thank you so much for all of your visits and kind comments.
Yes 50 and Counting he is taking water tablets.



  1. How wonderful, a bit cheek makes everything seem better.

  2. Sounds like he's getting a little bit too used to the being waited on! Cheeky monkey...x

  3. Sounds like he's feeling better!

  4. Glad he's on the mend and you are just like me with your faux protesting!! Anything they want, they can have xxx


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