

Monday, 25 February 2019

The Sun Has Got His Hat On....!!!

.....and has done a much better job of burning off the mist than it did yesterday. So once Andy has been fed, watered and gone off to work I shall be donning a jumper and going outside to clean up the herb table ready for the spring.
A couple of sections will be left empty until I can sow some salad leaves in them.
Andy went ahead with mowing the back lawn yesterday which now looks like the poor ould sheepdog from the Specsavers advert but at least the sun can start to dry it out a little more.

There are leftover veggies from our Sunday lunch which DD and I will use up today for our tea. I'll cook a few new potatoes, make some lamb gravy and some mint sauce for one of our favourite meals which we call Sunday Dinner Soup......yum, yum, yum.

The fridge and freezers are all well stocked so no need to go out any night this week apart from Wednesday when we take Ruby home and as we will be near the supermarket we can pick anything up that we need then but that will probably be just salad, milk and bread which will make for a nice frugal week.

Have a lovely day in the sunshine.


  1. Enjoy your sunshine! I'm hoping that next month will see things a little warmer. For now we're done with the wind storm and have a break of a day or two before the next snow storm. Sigh. Hopefully our power will be fixed and heat returned!

    1. I hope your power is fixed by now Sharon.

  2. I am looking out of the window and it is raining, so I must admit to been a tad jealous of your sunshine.

    1. I don't know how long it's supposed to last but I'm enjoying it while we have it.

  3. We started with a light frost, still did not need a jacket for dog walking. The sun is great here and I am now about to go outside and play.

    1. The brightness is rather lovely after all the dull days although it is showing up areas that need a good

  4. It’s been glorious here today and I managed to get a huge piece of fusty curtain fabric washed and almost dry. Sweet smelling and ready for upcycling inro bags. Knitting group for an hour tonight so better get a move on and clear up the dinner thinga.

    1. I love washing fabric and drying it on the line.
      Sounds like a busy day.


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