

Thursday 25 July 2019


Today in Staffordshire we have predicted temperatures of 32C and it is already 29.5C in the sewing room...yuck.
I will not be doing much as I need to squirrel away some energy for the weekend.
A nice gentle day of stitching by the fan with a cold drink.

I hope Andy manages to get some sleep as he has not long come in from a night shift. He hasn't slept well all week.
Only one more shift to do tonight and then he is on annual leave for a fortnight. He is so ready for it.
We're not going away but will have some days out and some days tidying up in the back garden. It will be nice to spend some quality time together.
DD is off too but she will be spending the week getting ready for a few days away.

Sunday will be a family lunch at the pub with DS and DDIL to hand back the girls after their weekend stay. I was going to do another lunch in the garden as we did for DS's birthday but apparently it's going to rain so not a good idea.

I had best get off and book the table now that I know they are definitely coming.

Keep cool today.


  1. Your plans for the day sound pretty good to me. We will be spending it in the garden. The beach is tempting but there is no shade. X

    1. Despite the lazy day the heat was still rather unpleasant. I got quite a bit of stitching done though.
      Hope you had a lovely day in your garden.

  2. My goodness, those temperatures are high...for once I am thankful that they are not that high here.

    1. It's definitely not great for a woman of a certain age as I am


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