

Friday, 15 March 2019

Playing Nurse!!!

Andy had gone off to work yesterday and I was sat with a cup of tea all ready to write my blog post when DD walked through the door having been sent home from work as she was unwell.
She had woken up with a slight headache which got worse as the morning went on and she ended up throwing up and feeling quite ill.
She suffers with migraine just as I do but she hadn't had one quite this bad for a long time.
A warm bath, a cup of tea, a good rest and a good sleep last night and she is as right as rain this morning.
My plans for the day were scuppered but as long as she is OK that's fine by me.

So today I will be playing catch up and also doing my usual Friday thing of getting the house weekend ready.
I don't have to cook today as DD is out tonight so Andy is picking up fish and chips on the way home from work. That means a good long afternoon for me to do as I please and I will use that time to finish off the last two aprons and make a start on my peg apron.

I was planning on going to Trentham Gardens again this weekend but have decided that DD and I will go in the week as she will be on annual leave. I don't know what we will do instead apart from a top up shopping trip tomorrow morning but I'm sure we will find something to occupy ourselves.

I hope you all have some lovely things planned for your weekend.
Have a good one.


  1. I hate those kind of headaches. I get them once in a while. I find the only thing to do is to lay down and sleep in a dark, quiet room otherwise I feel physically sick. I hope she's feeling better today!

  2. Glad to hear DD is on the mend, have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Migraine is awful. Glad to here that DD is feeling better.

  4. I used to get migraine during my 20s/30s. Awful. Then they went away again but I don't know why. The first one terrified me. I didn't understand what was happening with the numbness and visual disturbances. I do sympathise.


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