

Friday, 8 March 2019

I Will Do It!!!

Today is one of those flat grey, boring days with barely a hint of a breeze. Just the kind of days that I don't am going to inject a bit of colour into it and I will do some sewing today. I don't feel like doing it but I am going to make myself else I feel like I shall never do any again.
I've never been in such a deep miserable hole as I feel I have been in these past few months and I am determined to get myself out of it and I will get back to my old self if it kills me in the process.

Nothing definite planned for the weekend so we'll just see how it pans out. Andy may have some ideas but he was in from work and in bed before I got up this morning so I haven't spoken to him as yet.
I shall have a check on the weather and see if we can maybe get out in the garden for a bit even though the lawn is quite mushy after all the rain.

For now I have a pile of tea towels that need folding and Andy's work clothes to wash out of the way and then the sewing machine will be going on.

Hope you are having a good day and have lots of plans for your weekend.


  1. Oh dear, sorry to hear that you are feeling low. I always find that a bit of crafting cheers me up. Hope you feel more cheery after your sewing.

  2. I know just how you feel I have had several flat days lately, I always find being out in the sun really cheers me up. Have a good/better weekend Shelia. xx

    1. Yes I think I am ready for some proper warm sunshine now Marlene.

  3. I am smelling summer, even though it is cold and wet again, 10 more lavender bags have emerged from the sewing room. 20 more have been requested and I have a large bag cut out and ready to sew. I have a new cast on to knit away on tonight. If it wasn't for my sewing room I would be as grey and dreary as the weather. Hope you have perked up by now. xxx

    1. I bet it smells gorgeous in your sewing room Pam.

  4. I have been very unmotivated for a while now-have loads of stuff I could be doing but can’t be bothered. Looking forward to the Quilt Show tomorrow-I’ll report back of course. The weather is foul here and it’s there’s no pleasure in going out. Take care-we’re all needing to see Spring.

    1. Hope you had a great time at the quilt show :)

  5. It's the season I think - seems to have been a long old winter. I suspect you're still grieving, which is to be expected - it all takes its toll on us. I hope you feel a bit better soon.

    1. I think you may well be right on both counts.

  6. These grey wet days don't half sap the joy out of life. I hope you're back to your normally bouncy happy self again. xxx

  7. I think it's the winter. At least it is for me. At this time of year it seems never ending and I tend to get down. It is sunny today and above freezing (yeah! First time in a while!). Hubby is taking me to the lakeshore for a maybe-sunset lol. Hopefully if it does warm up the snow will melt and things will thaw out.

  8. Hopefully you will bounce back soon, it has been a dreary Winter albeit a mild one.

    1. It has been dreary hasn't it?
      I hope we get a nice spring.


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