Well after my eventful foray into the world of Daring cardmakers and the ensuing chaos I caused for myself........normal services are now resumed.......well as far as the word normal can be applied to me.
My ribs will never be the same again after laughing until my sides ached. Hubby will probably annul our marriage on the grounds that I didn't declare that I was a raving nutcase before I said 'I do'. I was laughing so much that I couldn't speak to tell him what I was laughing at. In the end he gave up trying to find out and went off muttering that I had finally flipped.
I have scuttled off back to my comfort zone and there I am staying for oooooh at least a week......lol!!!
DS nearly gave me a heart attack this morning when he gave me a Mother's Day card. I think the last one I had from him was one he made at infant school so it was a bit of a shock.
DD bought me some fab new colours of Fusible Film and a pack of Making Memories Petals in scrummy denim and gingham plus the jumper and t shirt I got yesterday.........she does spoil me.
Hubby gave me chocolates as he does every year.......and then everybody eats them except me......lol!!!
He did offer to take me out for dinner but I prefer to eat at home as everywhere is just so busy. So he was cooking lunch except that he decided to walk up to the pub with the dog and I ended up doing most of it myself. He'd shopped for the ingredients yesterday and came home so chuffed because he got a turkey crown........I have spent thirty years telling him I don't like turkey and it ain't sunk in yet......lol!!!
Oh well it wasn't too bad.
Spent the afternoon pottering about making cards for the local shop and tonight I have mounted the piece I did on non slip matting onto a card.
The background is silver vellum stamped with a Magenta flower stamp in white ink and I have added some dots of glitter to lift it a little.
The scan makes the vellum look crumpled for some reason but it isn't so again I am going to ask Deb to take a photo with her digital camera and replace the picture later which will also show off the dragonflies better as they aren't stuck flat onto the mat as they look in the scan.
Weatherwise it has been a pretty wild day which started off with clear skies and sunshine but very windy. We have also had rain and hail storms then tonight we got the snow. I'd say we had a good three inches but it's melting down into slush already and everywhere is all drippy and horrible now.
Well I think I might go and get a bit of sleep now as I have got really cold.
Night night
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