

Monday 25 July 2011

What A Weekend!!!

Phew....lovely weekend but.....I am glad it's over.
I've not even had a peek in my workroom since Thursday what with all the cleaning, cooking and general entertaining of a weekend guest and Sunday visitors. I think we passed muster though with DD's fella.
Miss Doodle, recovered from her virus, was just gorgeous yesterday and so funny. At one point she was layed down on the floor with Smudge stroking his feet. When she found his claws she thought they were teeth so you can imagine how much we laughed at that.
Today I have been getting a box of cards together for DDIL to take to work and I did manage a couple of new ones but had no time to take pics. That's on the list for tomorrow.
Off to watch some Bones now.......I am so hooked I can hardly bear a night not watching any.
Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a lovely, if busy weekend Sheila and especially glad that little Ruby is back to normal.

    Lesley Xx


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