

Thursday 27 June 2013

Good Morning!!!

Well things are looking a little brighter here at Manic Towers.
DD is over her tonsillitis just about and my bronchitis is on it's way out. Just a nasty cough to get rid of now.
Not much of anything getting done this week as I have Mr Manic under my feet. He's on holiday from work.
Miss Ruby will be here shortly for a couple of hours and then we have to go and pick up London grandma from the station. She is coming to look after Ruby for the weekend while DDIL takes DS away to of his birthday treats. He was thoroughly spoilt.
I've just put a curry on to cook for hubby and DD's tea. Gawd knows what I will have. Much as I love the smell of curry I just can't eat it.
I'm still quietly crafting in spare moments. Yesterday I was sorting out a box of cards and ended up bagging and pricing Christmas cards. I have just a few more cards to make from the big order and then I guess I had best make a start on some more favourites.
Right......Miss Doodle is due so I had best go and sort out her lunch.
Tara for now.

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