

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Good Morning!!!

Well things are looking a little brighter here at Manic Towers.
DD is over her tonsillitis just about and my bronchitis is on it's way out. Just a nasty cough to get rid of now.
Not much of anything getting done this week as I have Mr Manic under my feet. He's on holiday from work.
Miss Ruby will be here shortly for a couple of hours and then we have to go and pick up London grandma from the station. She is coming to look after Ruby for the weekend while DDIL takes DS away to of his birthday treats. He was thoroughly spoilt.
I've just put a curry on to cook for hubby and DD's tea. Gawd knows what I will have. Much as I love the smell of curry I just can't eat it.
I'm still quietly crafting in spare moments. Yesterday I was sorting out a box of cards and ended up bagging and pricing Christmas cards. I have just a few more cards to make from the big order and then I guess I had best make a start on some more favourites.
Right......Miss Doodle is due so I had best go and sort out her lunch.
Tara for now.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Plagues And Pestilence-Chapter 2!!!

Well Manic Towers is still the germiest residence on the!!!
DD now has tonsillitis, I have bronchitis and Mr Manic got called in to the doctors today for the result of his hip and spine xray. He needs to go for an MRI scan.
Smudge is still fine but we got a call from the vet who operated on him with the results of tests on the mass that was removed from his throat and indications are that it is likely to return so we have to keep our eye on him now.
Miss Doodle is just about back to her old self. The cold sore has cleared up very quickly for saying that it was such a huge one.
I am making a few cards but they are of the quick and easy variety and repeats of older designs in newer nothing you would want to see.
I'm just waiting for a ham to finish cooking and then I am going to chuck myself in bed and read for a bit. Hopefully I will get a lie in in the morning as we don't have to pick Ruby up until 11am and the ham is tea for tomorrow so all I need to do is a bowl of salad and bake some rolls.....get me......Mrs!!!
So tara for now.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Washout Wednesday!!!

It's looking a tad cloudy and threatening rain outside today so that has scuppered my plans for taking Ruby to the Play Barn today as she only really likes the outside bit of it. It might not be a bad idea to snuggle up and watch a film though as she has been quite poorly all weekend and up until yesterday. The poor little sausage has developed a cold sore and it has really knocked her for six. I've had them myself so I pretty much know the pain they can cause.
We are hoping for good weather on Saturday as we are having a barbecue down at the cottage to celebrate DS's thirtieth birthday which isn't until the following week but he will be at work on the day itself. So my kids are now both thirty and in gawds name did that happen!!!!!

One hundred and seventy days now until we fly to New York. The days are whizzing by and we are just planning our days to make the most of our time there. We got fabulous flights leaving the UK at 9am meaning that when we hit New York it will only be lunchtime.
Starbucks in Times Square is going to be our first stop after we have booked in at the hotel and freshened up and then after tea we will be off to Michaels which is not far from our hotel.
Sunday morning we shall be up bright and early for breakfast (hopefully) and then we are taking a trip to Staten Island to visit Joanne Fabrics. Monday we are doing a city bus tour and an evening trip up the Rockefeller Centre. The New York guide books are permanently out now and it's all coming together really nicely.

Nearly time to go and pick up my Doodle Bird so I had best go and get changed.
Tara for now.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Plagues And Pestilence!!!

Honestly.......Manic Towers has  been like the setting for a medical drama this last week or so.
During the night on Wednesday Miss Doodle was sick. Just the once no other upset tummy symptoms or anything. She came to me for her last day on Thursday and was as right as rain. Seven am on Friday I get a phone call from DS.....could I have Ruby as DDIL had been up all night and was very poorly. We had to take a trip to Lichfield to sign a form for the vet who operated on Smudge so on the way back we called at Morrison's and took Ruby for breakfast and a bit of shopping and by the time we got home I felt so ill I could barely stand up. Luckily for me DDIL rang early afternoon to say she felt better and Ruby could come home. I slept all afternoon until about seven pm and then from ten pm until 8am. The bug then went back to Doodles house to her daddy. Hope we are all done with that one now. DD and Mr Manic missed out on it but DD has a nasty cough and cold and today Mr Manic has come home with a bad leg.......gawd you couldn't make it up could you?
The most cheerful bod in our house at the minute is our Smudgie who sailed through his op, came home the same day and is now eating like a horse and jumping about like a little puppy.
It turned out he had a polyp. It was huge and yet he hadn't had any symptoms or breathing difficulties up until three weeks before he had his op. The vet very kindly took photos for us which in my humble opinion was just too much information. Thankfully he didn't do us a little photo wallet to bring!!!
Anyway tomorrow should see us back to normal. We are planning on an afternoon in the garden after we pick Ruby up from school and if we can rig up a bit of shade for her....we shall get the paddling pool out if it doesn't leak after several months in the shed.
Tara for now then.