

Tuesday 11 August 2020

The Week That Was!!!

Honestly....I can't believe it's over a week since I posted.
Thank you for comments on my last post. I had fully intended to come back and reply to them but the week just slipped away.

OMG....hasn't it been hot? 
The fans are on nearly all day just to keep us comfortable and I have got a cold drink in my hand permanently at the moment. 
There are certainly no meals that involve a cooker unless I just boil eggs to have with some cold meat and salad.

On the crafty front I have been finishing some cross stitch pieces into decorative objects for the house at Christmas and I am really pleased with them so when I get the camera charged up I'll take some pics to share.

Until then...stay safe.
Lots of hugs to you all.


  1. Its far too hot for me too, Sheila, I'm just sitting indoors with the windows and blinds closed and the fan on. I hope it cools down soon, no rain or thunderstorms here sadly.
    Well done with the Christmas cross stitch. I'd live to see it all. Stay safe x

    1. We're doing the same here.
      Hoping for the rain and thunder we are forecast just for a bit of a break.

  2. Lovely to see you posting again. Take care. XXXXX

  3. It's hot here too, must be a world wide phenomenon. Hope you get some cooler weather later in the week - we have been promised it!

    1. I'm ready for Winter now

  4. We don't have as high temperatures as in the south, but it is still fairly hot here today.
    A fan and a cool drink sound just the ticket.
    Stay cool :) X

    1. It's way too hot for me Jules.
      We had thought about a trip to the sea but I couldn't stand the travel and then if it's crowded when we get there I wouldn't go on the beach.
      Hope you're getting out to some of your lovely places.

  5. It's scorching isn't it and the heat makes it extra difficult to sleep. Glad you've been able to get some cross stitch done. I've just crocheted a couple of angel baby blankets, it's about as much as I can manage with my wrist at the moment. Have a lovely day. xx

    1. Oh no....what have you done at your wrist?
      I hope it gets better.

      I'm having no trouble sleeping.....the fan is on all night.

    2. I've just been doing too much crochet Sheila and I'm paying the price. I can't do very much at all now before it starts aching. xx

  6. Hello Sheila! I’ve been very remiss on my blog reading recently, so have caught up on your posts! So glad you’ve been able to resume your crafting and looking forward to seeing photos of your makes.
    I have to confess I too have bought a couple of Christmas presents, from an online local craft market. It was in lieu of the physical one cancelled because of coronavirus.
    I’m sat here wilting more and more, wishing for a storm to come and clear the air. Not sure it’s going to happen down here!
    So pleased to see your posts here, Sheila xx

    1. We had a humdinger of a storm last night and it was lovely. Today is cloudy and breezy. A welcome respite from the heat.


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