

Sunday 6 January 2019


It's nice and bright out this morning although quite chilly so I am glad that I don't have any outside jobs to do today.
Plenty to do inside though. I need to tidy away the toys Ruby had out on Thursday and Friday. They have to be taken back upstairs as I just have no room to store them downstairs.
There is laundry to put away and the stairs need hoovering..... although I forgot to put the handheld vacuum on charge so that may have to wait until tomorrow.
Lunch will be late today as DD is at work so I should get everything I want to do done this morning and then tonight I can sit down to watch Dancing on Ice and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire without feeling too guilty.
Hopefully Call The Midwife will return soon and then Sunday evenings will be perfect for a while.

What is your favourite thing to do on a Sunday?
Whatever you are doing I hope you have a good one today.


  1. Call the Midwife next Sunday, Sheila, I have just checked! I am going to start watching DOI but I got fed up last year and gave up. Did you watch the film “Torvill and Dean” in the holidays? I found it interesting if only for the fact that it reinforced my opinion of CD!! Well I suppose I should go and wash my hair as we may go out for some bits and bobs later on. Enjoy your day. X

    1. Oh brilliant....I hadn't checked when it was on. I will look forward to that as I don't think I am going to enjoy DOI this year.
      Yes I did watch "Torvill and Dean" and yes it confirmed my opinion of CD too.
      Hope you had a nice day out.

  2. It's not my cup of tea but Lily wants to watch Dancing on Ice this evening, so I guess I'm going to have to get used to it. I know who's in charge here. 😆
    It doesn't really feel like a Sunday today as Lily is not due back at school until Tuesday. I've made some more parsnip soup and we've been out for a lovely walk. I need to give the house a clean and tidy and make some flapjack. Enjoy your day, Sheila. X

    1. I usually like it Jules but not sure I am going to this year after watching last night.
      I've not known what day it was for a couple of weeks now so I will be glad to get back into some kind of routine with my pair back at work.
      Butternut squash soup for us one day this week....yum, yum.

  3. I will be watching some more of Luther, we are working through the old series before starting on the current one. Some leisurely dog walking, a bit of knitting and possibly a little sewing. Fish Pie for dinner with stacks of veg, no pudding maybe some fruit. The Utility room had a birthday this morning as the SO wanted to move the washing machine. I was busy finishing off the sewing room.

    1. I borrowed Luther from DS and really wanted to like it as I love Idris Elba but I just couldn't get into it at all.
      Sounds like you had a busy day.

  4. I love Call The Midwife too and really enjoyed the Christmas special. Today is peaceful as G is at work until 4.30pm so I've got all my chores done. Yay! The slow cooker is on with a beef stew in it so I just need to put some jacket potatoes in the oven later on as DD and the GC will be coming for tea and 3 of us are non meat eaters so will have jackets and cheese. Now a small glass of port...and a quiet read of my new book, the first chance I have had since before Christmas :/
    Enjoy your evening Sheila xx

    1. It's such a lovely gentle watch isn't it?
      Oh now you've started something....I am wanting beef stew now. I'll have to get some beef next time I go up to the butchers.
      Hope you had a lovely day with your family.

  5. I am looking forward to Call the Midwife, a wonderful drama series. We are taking a well earned rest today after all our gallivanting. Best wishes for the New Year.

    1. Me too :)
      I hope you had a lovely peaceful day.

  6. Sunday is my day for just chilling and getting on with some knitting. Which is exactly what I did yesterday! Perfect!

    1. I do love a nice chilled Sunday although I prefer it when Roz doesn't have to work as we can get lunch over and done with earlier.
      I'm glad you had a perfect day.


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