Couldn't think which stamps to use it with and then remembered that I had this lovely Summer Set 1 designed by Kim Harrison for TandaStamps.
I have used a ruler to draw a frame around the card. I just used the width of the ruler rather than measuring specifically and I used a pencil first in case anything went wrong and then went over the lines with a permanent marker pen.
The edges were then masked off and the centre was first chalked and then spattered with black and white acrylic paint in the style of American Folk Art painting.
The beach huts were stamped onto the three colours of card and cut out. I added a little white pencil crayon highlighting to add some depth.
The seagulls were drawn with a white gel pen and then I added slight shading in grey.
I stamped the ice cream cones onto a seperate piece of card and hand painted them using brush markers and a fine paint brush. They have also been finished with a layer of Artists Pearlising Medium to give a touch of sparkle.
I arranged them around the frame and then glued them down using a glue pen.
The dots have been added with a Dottariffic pen in Powder Blue.
The wording was stamped in black ink and coloured then I added the 2007 with a marker pen.
I really enjoyed doing this card even though it was a bit fiddly to cut out all of the ice creams.......but don't you think this would make a fab frame for a photo on a scrapbook page?
Well I have been a bit naughty today and sent DD out to buy a new scanner/printer for when the computer comes. I have an all in one already but only the scanner works and my other printer will only print in black or lime green now. The red just will not print.........I have done no end of cleaning runs etc and it just won't have it.
I got an absolute bargain from Currys and have had another Epson because until mine went kaput I was very impressed with it.
Got a lovely surprise in the post today. A blogging friend in Canada sent me a beautiful card which she had made with a stamp I sent to her and she also sent me a sheet of fashion stamps which are just fabulous. Thank you so much Kim
Wendy McGlinchey has also tagged me with another badge for my blog so I need to see who has it already before I tag another five people.
I am off to do some more stamping as I slept like a log last night and am not the slightest bit tired. Plus I have a million ideas whizzing round in my head which is what I get when I have been sorting stuff out.
Oh......I must just assure Di that the stuff I threw out deserved to be binned. Old dried up ink pads......I always save them thinking they will be useful.......for what I do not know. Papers that must have been printed when Noah was a wee lad and were dog eared and dusty. Some disgusting Christmas embellishments I can't even remember buying and some old catalogues. I promise that none of it was any use to anyone and all the better stuff has been saved.
Night night then.