

Monday 6 August 2018

Off Out For A While!!!

Andy fancies a wander out today so we are off to the farm shop to have a look what meat they have for the freezer before we go for a walk round little town.

This morning I have done some tester pot patches of the new paint on the walls in the living room and we like so we might pick that up too while we are out.
It will be good to have everything I need in place for starting the job next week.
Still can't get up any enthusiasm for it but I'm sure I'll be OK on the day.

Very grey clouds this morning but the sun is trying to come through so I expect we're in for another hot day.

Right....I'll go and get changed and let Andy take me out for my weekly

Have a lovely day.


  1. Enjoy your wander. What's the colour of the walls? -Jenn

  2. Hope you had a productive trip out with Andy. Norrie spent the day finishing the planter he started yesterday and then we’ll have a think about what gets planted. I finally did the ironing. Gold star please.


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