

Monday 4 December 2017

This Week-It's All About The Cleaning!!!

This week I shall be putting on me big girl knickers and cracking on with some cleaning and adding a bit more Christmas to the living room. Me polishing and window cleaning arm will be going nineteen to the dozen and I'm sure my back will be screaming by the time I have done with it all.
I love having a clean house but boy does it cause me some pain to achieve it.
DD has gone back to work today and Andy is on nights. He will be off to bed later to catch up on some sleep so I'll have a bit of time with nobody but the dog under my feet although he will probably sleep most of the day.
Tonight I will try and get the wrapping finished off. I'll be glad to get all of me shopping bags back in the car where they belong.

Home cooked fish and chips for tea tonight and I think a nice bowl of salad to go with it as Andy has gone off mushy peas and I must remember to get some mince out of the freezer as Ruby has requested cottage pie for Wednesday and I will need to get the meat cooked tomorrow as it always tastes so much better the day after it has been cooked.

So what are you all up to this week?
Whatever you are doing I hope you have a lovely week.


  1. My home has mostly been fettled now, just the two bedrooms left to do. Wrapping paper, scissors , tape and ribbon all ready for this evening. The tree is up and the boxes of decs are down ready for lift off.

    1. I wish my fettling was finished Pam. My back is complaining very loudly....not quite screaming yet but I'm sure it will start before the end of the week.

  2. I have plans to sort out what I've got this week and see what's left to get. I still need to buy wrapping paper. My week is going to be a crafty one. I have projects to get done and I really want to be finished with most by the end of the week.

    1. I think I have everything but some bits and pieces for Roz to open on the day. She already has and is using her new wardrobe.
      If I can manage to keep going I would like everything finished this week so that I can then concentrate on food making for the freezer.

  3. It's always best to have a good clean before the decorations go up. I will probably be doing the same very soon. X


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