The embellishments are......Holly.......Crafts For Christmas and Gold Poinsettia.......Crafty Bits.
Just matted onto gold pearl card and then onto a cream card blank.
Does anybody else have those days that are just a mess from start to finish or is it just me?
Had my day planned out....which included the unexpected DG session....but nothing went right from the time I got up. Hubby decided he wanted whole shallots in the casserole and we didn't have any in. Obviously it being Sunday the supermarket doesn't open until 10am so I couldn't get anything done until he got back. Well he was gone for bloomin' ages. I was getting so ticked off. Then he saunters in and says 'Ooh I just fancied a wander round the car boot sale at the race course'. I could have throttled him.......mmm might just leave that until after!!!
Anyway I eventually got to spend a bit of time in my workroom and made the grand total cards. I got sidetracked by some stuff that wanted putting away and one thing led to another. Then it was time for X Factor and I just didn't get going again after that.
Was sad to see Lloyd go as I loved his performances this weekend........especially A Million Love Songs. I'd have been happier if Danyl had gone but hey ho at least Joe is still there bless him. Would love to see Joe and Stacey in the final.
I've gone quite chilly sitting here so I think I'll have a hot drink and then get to bed.
Thanks for stopping by.
Fab card Sheila. I'm always getting my days turned upside down ! Most of the time it's my own fault though as I get very sidetracked ! Sue x