I was hoping to have some new cards to post tonight as I have been dabbling a bit today but the two that are nearest to completion still need that elusive something just to finish them off.
I also had a look at the DCM dare for this week and am playing around with some ideas for that one. It's a real toughie this week which includes the colour purple,holes and Christmas. What a combination. As usual though it will be great fun.
If you haven't tried any of the dares yet I can highly recommend them. They really are fun and often push you to try things outside your comfort zone.
I am posting archive cards again........sorry.
These two cards show what can be done with some paper scraps and leftover peeloff corners.
I do use a lot of peeloff lines for edging but very rarely use the corners that come on the sheets of my favourite very thin lines. As you can imagine they do build up into quite a collection so last year I decided to do something with them rather than store them or throw them away.
This card is a right old mish mash of various bits and bobs I had in a box.

The paper was from Woodware and I started off with the teabag folded piece which I edged in silver corners and embellished with gems.
The six pointed piece was made by laying silver corners around a circle and then cutting around them to make a backing for the teabag rosette.
This was then laid onto a circle of silver mirror card and then attached to a half circle of the paper.
The circle was completed with silver snowflakes.
It's not something I would make usually but it was a bit of a challenge to myself to see what I could come up with.

I can't remember who the holly paper is made by. It was one of my favourites over a couple of years but I have now run out of it.
Well I have quite a busy week next week. Deb who owns the craft shop is off on holiday so I will be at the shop Tuesday to Saturday. There won't be any workshops but I have a list of jobs I want to get done such as a new window display and a bit of cleaning in corners that don't get done in a normal week. Hopefully they will get done in a couple of days and then I can wreak havoc on the shop stock and make loads of card samples for workshops. By Thursday I will most probably be falling asleep in my tea when I get home......lol!!!
When Deb gets back we are going to start opening six days a week so I will be doing an extra day permanently then.
Some of the extra money I will earn next week has already been spent....lol!!! I had put the Cricut Mini Monograms cartridge on my wish list and as luck would have it Deb was ordering from that supplier on Tuesday and it has arrived already. I may have to have a play with that this weekend. We also had some more scrummy BG Christmas papers so I just had to add some of those to my stash.
Right well I am off to catch a few zeds as I want to be up early in the morning. DH is off to help a friend with some turf laying and DD and DS will both be in bed having come in from night shifts. Once I get a few household jobs out of the way I should have a pretty peaceful day up until about 5pm when they will start wanting feeding.
Bye for now
my sentiments exactly -"thank gawd its the weekend". Love those circle designs and as i too have many corners left behind this may just make me get them out!! As to those new christmas papers i shall just have to pop in and see them first hand next week :-)
ReplyDeleteBusy, busy, busy!! That's you all over - hope you enjoy the week in charge Sheila... just don't work too hard.
How come, Sheila, that you manage to make peel offs look so good - fab as always.