

Monday, 11 February 2019

A Computer Free Weekend!!! sorry for the lack of posts over the weekend but my computer has been playing up....or rather the internet connection has.
I've only been able to get online in short bursts before it has gone off again.
It seems to be a little more stable since later on last night and so far this morning has been OK so here's hoping that it stays on while I write and publish this post.

Obviously as I had no computer to play with much I had to find other things to do so quite a few jobs have been ticked off both of the job lists plus I had time to think about my sewing project and sort out some fabric.
The duvet cover I mended the other day got put on the bed and changed again pretty quickly as I didn't like the feel of it. It was a very expensive one bought for DD some years ago and is very smart navy with white dots and a panel of a contrasting fabric. It's now been reduced to a heap of fabric and will be turned into aprons as I could do with some new ones.

No apron needed today for cooking tea as we are off out to celebrate my gorgeous Ruby's 9th birthday at The Doodle House.

To fill in the time until then I am off up to tidy out the old airing cupboard on the landing and then have a nice peaceful bath before I come down and start on cutting out the pattern for my aprons.

Hope you have all had a fabulous weekend.


  1. It's nice to have a computer break from time to time - even if it is an enforced one! And you get so much else done, it does make you realise just how much time you waste on the computer!

    Have a lovely time celebrating Ruby's birthday.

    1. It was nice actually Sooze. Usually it's on all day and I get sidetracked looking up recipes and crafting ideas so yes lots of time wasted.

  2. I have had whole weeks when finding time to turn the 'puter on has been impossible,never mind writing anything. we have the odd hiccup with internet connection and those times I get so much done.

    1. I am going to start turning it off and leaving it off as soon as I have done what I have to do Pam and then there will be no distractions.

  3. The winds here seem to have an effect on the computer connection. Happy Birthday to Ruby.

    1. We have had some strong winds so that could well have been the problem.
      Thank you for your birthday wishes for Ruby.

  4. I think sometimes it's good to have time away from the computer. For a while I feel lost and then I Internet here is iffy now and then. I think the ice and snow play havoc with it sometimes!

    1. I did feel a bit lost without it Sharon but I am going to try and switch it off more. It stays on all day and I do get distracted.

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