
Monday, 10 July 2017

Fifteen Minutes!!!

That was all the rain we got yesterday evening.
One short sharp shower and then some drizzles and drips.
This morning is slightly cooler with a fine mizzle occasionally which isn't going to be much use to the garden.

DD is at home this week so my routine....even as loose as it usually is will be out the window and I will just be going with the flow.
As long as the laundry is done and the house is tidy I will try and turn a blind eye to the big job list although the oven is in desperate need of a clean and will be done at some point.
Hopefully the weather will be good enough for her to be out in the garden during the day and then we will settle down with our tea and carry on watching the Oz box set.

Finally....the chap at the bottom of the loch has been spotted which is what I have been waiting for.
Last nights episode took some very strange turns although nothing that made it any better than it has been up until now.

Andy is fed and watered and will be leaving for work in a few minutes and DD has nipped into town so while I have the house to myself I'll go and get the hoovering done....Smudge has done a right number on the living room rug with his carrot this morning.
He's as untidy as his

Have a fabulous day.


  1. We've had only a couple of spits - no significant or useful rain for weeks, although apparently we will get some tomorrow. I'm completely lost with The Loch, can't work it out at all.

    1. I can't work The Loch out either Sooze-x-

  2. Yes, The Loch is very confusing.
    I worked out that it was the girl who was pregnant and not the mother, however, when they showed clips of what is happening next week, I haven't got a clue!

  3. I actually enjoyed the episode of the Loch last night, maybe because I wasn't as tired as normal so could concentrate better. Enjoy the time spent with your daughter, the oven can wait.

    1. I haven't a clue what is going on or how it's going to end M. Usually I am pretty good at working out whodunnit and why but not this time-x-

  4. I thought of you when the chap was discovered in The Loch as I'd been waiting for it too.
    I always miss half of the dialogue when there is an accent involved. Doesn't have to be a foreigner Liverpool, Newcastle even my own native Yorkshire and if the accent is broad, they could be speaking another language as far as I'm concerned.
    Enjoy your week.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. I'm so relieved that he has finally been discovered Joan.
      I'm the same with accents-x-

  5. Oh, the frustration of having people under your feet while trying to do the housework. I much prefer an empty house to get on and do my chores.
    There has been plenty of rain here recently. No need to water the gardens. X

    1. I do get on better in an empty house Jules I must admit although yesterday the dog was being a right pain and lying down just where I wanted to hoover...and he just wouldn't budge-x-

  6. Hello Smudge...I've been told I make lots of mess with carrots too...yesterday it was really hot and Mum gave me a banana out the freezer...but I forgot to peel it! Licks Heidi X

    1. Hi Heidi....oooh I got some hot chops from me Mum yesterday. After she had hoovered I fetched a piece of carrot I had hidden in the kitchen and messed up the rug again. She wasn't best pleased.
      My humans buy me little kids ice lollies when it's hot....for goodness sake I am 105 on Friday....I think I could cope with a big peoples lolly.

  7. We're getting quite a bit of rain up here, lovely for the garden, but not helping much with the heat and horrible humidity xx

    1. It's gone pretty cool here Cheryl and we have some rain at last-x-


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