I was supposed to be doing some work today if you remember but I decided I would get some household jobs done instead.......seeing as how I seem to be the only one in our house who knows the meaning of the words 'clean' and 'tidy'. So I got a bit done then thought I might as well have the rest of the day off as by the time we had finished tea and tidied up it was 7pm gone. A bit norty really cos I won't be working tonight much........got a date with hubby and a DVD and he doesn't get in until after 10pm.
Oh well there is always tomorrow and it is only a few packs left to make up and then get everything packed.........and if I packed everything now you can bet your bottom dollar there would be something I need to use and I would have to unpack it all again........well I've convinced meself of that anyway.
I've got nothing else booked for a while so I am looking forward to getting my teeth into some new experiments......I may even go so far as to get out my sewing machine.
I am also going to be sorting out my stamps and getting rid of some as I do have way too many that I don't use any more. The same with my dies for my cutting machines.
Then once I have had a good sort out I think I may redecorate the room, replace the old carpet and try to clear the window ledges and put up some curtains ready for winter.
Hubby was going to sort me out a shed to use as a work room but that is another thing on the back boiler for now as he is tied up with helping a friend through the summer with different landscaping and fencing jobs...as if I haven't got enough jobs want doing here......lol!!!
Right I'm off for a quick bath and then I am going to veg in front of the telly and watch The Apprentice.
Bye for now