Tuesday, 11 December 2007
DCM-Buttons and Bows & Stripes
Thursday, 6 December 2007
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!!!
Yes I know that I am fifty and not five but this is the first year for I don't know how long that our tree has been up well before the week of Christmas and it just feels so nice to be in the swing of things. I even have some gifts waiting to be wrapped up which is very organised for me....lol!!! I am usually that mad woman rushing round town two days before Christmas but as I have decided that I hate going into town I have done some shopping on the net and DD has picked up some things for me while she has been out.....easy peasy!!!
Also unusual for me is that I don't really know what I want for myself this year. There is usually some must have gadget or something I want which can only be asked for at Christmas or for a birthday gift. DD bought me a big present down in Devon which was the Sizzix Fruit Smoothie alphabet that I have been wanting for ages. I had told hubby I wanted a Bind It All but somebody else may be getting me one of those so I haven't a clue what to tell him to get me now........anyone got any ideas?
It's been a lovely day today DD and I at home on our own for most of it, cold and miserable outside but warm and snuggly inside. I have got some jobs done that badly needed doing and made a list of jobs for tomorrow so all is fab in my world at the moment which is a wonderful feeling.
I promised you a couple more projects that make great gifts and these little photo frames are so easy to make.
The frame is cut from mountboard using the Sizzix Rectangle Frame die. I then made a backing...again from mountboard and cut very slightly smaller than the frame. I also cut a strip of mountboard to act as the stand.
The frames are stamped, inked or decorated however you like and then the back is attached with foam pads across the bottom and up two sides leaving the top open to slip your photo in. You can if you want add acetate to protect your picture

The angel is from a Rubbadubbadoo set called Angel Art. She has been stamped onto white card, brushed over with blue chalk and then glittered with Stickles

Finding these projects again has set me off wanting to do some more so I think I will plan to do some while I am off work over Christmas.
Well I am off to have another bit of a sort out. Right now I am going through my cardstock and trying to organise it a bit better....no mean task if you could see how much I have but I am trying to make room for stocking some A3 card for bigger projects I have in mind.
Bye for now
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
I Hate To Say This.............
Well maybe that is a bit strong but after a day spent sorting and filling stands full of paper it is not my favourite thing at the moment.....lol!!!
I used some very bad unladylike language when a piece of paper sliced into an existing cut on my finger......oh gawd it did make my eyes water I can tell you.
Still the paper room is coming along now and there is only all the card stock to put out in there and it needs sweeping and mopping before Friday but I am not there again now until early Friday morning and we will be opening at 10am.
The shop is looking fabulous now that we have a lot of the stock out and Deb is taking a male friend with her tomorrow to help with all the heavier lifting and DIY jobs.
I am so shattered that I just can't face any cardmaking tonight so I am sorting through my files on my computer and moving all my archived cards to CD's......I have filled four so far.

I have a few more things to show you tomorrow which may give you some ideas for Christmas gifts.
I'm off for a Radox bath now to soothe my aching legs and feet.
Bye for now
Monday, 3 December 2007
Random Ramblings!!!
Didn't get any cardmaking done at all today as we had visitors this afternoon and they never left until 11.30pm.
I have found this card in my archives which I only did the other week and I thought I had posted it but can't find it on here.
Anyway the stamps are Elusive Images and I absolutely adore the Three Kings stamp.
I bought it as a single UM years ago at the NEC but they now have a set out with other stamps on it too and I have used the set as this card was for a workshop.
I drew a template for the shaped card front using an EI's worksheet as inspiration The blue paper has been dabbed with a Versamark pad and a fine fine sprinkling of silver EP has been added then heated. This gives a very subtle effect which doesn't show up too well on the scan.
The purple paper has been stamped with other stamps from the set.
The Three Kings have been stamped in Stazon and embellished with silver glitter and turquoise jewels.
Right I had best go and get some shut eye as we will be busy tomorrow unpacking all the boxes we just packed the other day. I expect I shall be shattered when I get home.
Night night
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Daring Cardmakers-Birds
The traumatic incident involving the bird was when I was about sixteen. I laugh about it now but at sixteen I was somewhat nervy and babysitting for the first time for a couple who lived in a house on the very edge of our village surrounded by fields and woods.
So I was sat watching TV.....can't remember what I was watching but knowing me it would have been a drama of some kind......all of a sudden I heard this flapping sound which just about frightened the life out of me and I just froze in my seat... like you do....and listened to see if I heard it again and the next minute something landed on my head and got caught in my hair. You can imagine how hysterical I was....lol!!!
So there was me running madly round the lounge trying to get this thing out of my hair which I eventually did and it turned out to be a flipping canary. It had escaped from it's cage in the corner of the lounge which I hadn't noticed when I went in.
I never sat for that particular couple again and I am still very nervous of anything that flies although I adore robins. Especially if they are like little tennis balls on legs.
Bug thing seems to have gone now thank goodness but the leg problem is back. At one point tonight it was so bad I had to resort to using my walking stick which I haven't used for years so I really must go and get it checked out. I'll see if it settles down a bit over the weekend as I did spend six hours today packing stuff at the shop which could have made it seem worse.
Anyway I am off to do a bit more of something..either tidying or cardmaking. Not ready for sleep yet.
Bye for now then
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Oh Me Aching Head!!!
Couldn't get into my cardmaking at all so I gave up and just pottered about tidying baskets out and sorting card blanks.
So just after 11pm and I am going to give in gracefully and go to bed.
The card I am sharing is just one I made using up bits and bobs.......some offcuts of velvet paper and some spotty paper I seem to have had hanging around forever. I did well out of the bits and bobs as I made eight of these in various layouts..just right for my stand at the local shop.
Busy day tomorrow as we will be packing up the last of the shop ready to move it all on Sunday although I don't think I am needed over the weekend as Deb has lots of relatives with vehicles going to help.
Right I am off.......I can barely keep my eyes open which is unusual for me.
Night night
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
DCM-Stockings and Gold
Today was Stockings......and not the saucy kind....lol!!! So despite having put a lot of my Christmas stuff away I do still have some stamps out and the little template I drew for the stocking a couple of weeks ago was still lying on my desk so..........the stocking has been cut from two pieces of Stazon/Isopropyl background card I made and this has then been stamped and embossed using a Penny Black stamp and gold embossing powder.
The Swirl and Merry Christmas stamp are from Hot Off The Press clear stamp sets and in hindsight I shouldn't really have embossed the greeting as the detail is quite fine but hey ho.......you learn by your mistakes.
The gems were free in a magazine package that DD bought for me and the stocking has been attached to the card with a little plastic thing from my new tag gun so that it swings.
Background is once again Stazon/Isopropyl......cos I love it....lol!!!
The embellishment is shrink plastic with gold embossing powder and while it was still hot I sprinkled it with a turquoise and gold bead and glitter mixture. I think they are called Accentz and they are from Provocraft.
I have to stress that I did the wire myself..........only because usually if I do anything with wire it looks like something the dog chewed up and I am a bit pleased with how this turned out......lol!!!
Had a very busy day at the shop today. We were packing stock away and taking down the shelves and slat boarding. By 4pm my leg was absolutely killing me again so I reckon something must be a bit out of kilter in there somewhere.....may have to pay a visit to somebody to see if they can put it right.
I was so tired that I dozed off while watching a programme about the Titanic. I hope they repeat it as I think I have seen every film and documentary ever made on this subject.
No more playing for me tonight as I have to make some cards for the local shop. My stocks get very low while I am designing all the time for Christmas workshops and demos so now I have to play catch up with those and I try to make at least ten a day sometimes more if I can.
Bye for now then
Strange Day!!!
Still........when I got home I did have some orders I needed to get done so that sorted me out. Didn't get an awful lot of time after doing them to play but I have started on my card for the Gold dare at DCM........a bit late but I am still playing catch up on the ones I missed as and when I can. No card to post tonight then but I hope to finish it when I get in tomorrow.
We had news today that we can actually move in to the new shop a day earlier than expected so hopefully everything will be moved into there by Sunday night and Monday we will start to set things out. If things go well we could be open by the middle of the week........but that's only if things go well.........lol!!!
I'm off for a snuggle now then. I have gone really cold.....ha.......I have just realised why......somebody has turned my heater off and I was so busy I didn't notice.......that accounts for my blue fingers and toes.
Bye for now
Saturday, 24 November 2007
DCM-A Song Without Words!!!
The background started life as a piece of thick handmade paper in off white. I sprayed it with water and then dabbed various dye inks onto a plastic mat, spritzed that with water and then dabbed and dragged the wet paper through the inks.....tis a good idea to wear gloves for doing that as it is quite messy.
Once dried I cut a piece to the size I needed, dabbed over it with a Versamark ink pad and just sprinkled it with silver embossing powder.
The crowns have been handcut.....using a little template I made from a Cricut die cut......from silver miror card that I had coloured using Stazon ink pads and Isopropyl Alcohol. The row of stars at the bottom are tiny peeloffs stuck to offcuts of the coloured mirror card and cut out.
Well I have been into town this morning. The freezer shopping was a nightmare as the store was very busy and just for fun some stupid person has decided that all the aisles need to be narrowed even further than they already are by the placing of dump bins every few feet. Negotiating these with a trolley was bad enough but my sympathy is definitely with those people who need to use wheelchairs or disability scooters as trolleys abandoned halfway between the dump bins made it impossible for anyone to get by.
The trip was topped off nicely by a young lady arguing with her mum....in a very loud and whiny voice.... over a pack of chicken goujons.
I managed a quick dash into Evans and picked up a bargainous pair of knee high boots for twenty quid and a couple of jumpers for a tenner each. Restocked on inkjet printable film, ink cartridges and drawing pens.....and picked up three packs of gorgeous little cards and envelopes from Partners. Grabbed a couple of magazines from the newsagents and that was me had enough and ready for home.
Most of my Christmas shopping will be done online I think as I can't bear the thought of having to go again any time soon........lol!!!
Well I am off to have a tidy up and then I think I might start and box up my Christmas crafting stuff and put it away..........I have seriously had enough of Christmas cards now and I won't need to design any more for the shop for a good while.........ooooooh I am getting all excited thinking of flowers and pretty ribbons and papers and my new chipboard stuff...................I'm gone!!!
I did my last workshop on Thursday at Tutbury and Deb has her last one Saturday so the next time either of us do one it will be in our new workroom at the new shop. Deb started taking down the sample cards today and boxing them up so that she could fill the holes in the wall. It looks very bare already and she hasn't done a quarter of the job yet.
I've done a card for the DCM challenge this week but it isn't dry enough to scan yet. I will have to that later so I am posting a Caught In Crystal card done with the Dot and Stripe stamp set from TandaStamps. I have used a patterned napkin instead of the usual tissue for the background of the stamped image and I have also covered a piece of card to use as a layer.
Well hubby wants me to go and do a freezer shop with him today which is a job I hate so I think I will have to insist on a visit to Craft Central on the way home to console myself.......lol!!! I might try and fit in a flying visit round town as I very rarely get in these days. I'll go and see what bargains they have at Poundland and The Works.
Best get to sleep then as hubby will no doubt be waking me up at the crack of dawn.
Bye for now
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Festive Frost!!!
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Another Catch Up Card!!!
Checked paper was printed from the computer.........I don't know where it came from so it must have been a free download from somewhere.
Image is from the Hug Club....printed twice the top layer has been cut. I glued the bottom edge and foam padded just under the hat to make it look like he is popping out of the card.
The snowflake border stamp used as tabs is from a set of Cuddly Buddly stamps sent to me by Rubbadubbadoo.
Sentiment is a 99p stamp from Craft Central.
Finished off with pen stitching.
I know this isn't my usual style but I just love the Hug Club images and have been collecting them for a few years now. I have nearly two hundred collections....fifty of which are Christmas. They don't get used very often......I just like looking at them...lol!!!
Well it is snowing here............yay!!!!! Bring it on.....I love it. Hubby is grumping about it but only because he knows it winds me up....lol!!!
Watched Harry Potter last night and I think I would have preferred to stare at a wall........what a load of boring rubbish. I shall be glad when the whole thing is done with and I don't need to watch them any more. Apologies to all the hard core fans but it just bored me rigid.
Desk is in desperate need of a tidy up so I had best go and do it as I need to make space to get the paper trimmer out to cut a few card blanks......not that I don't have hundreds already.........just not the right size as you might guess.
Bye for now
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Catching Up With DCM!!!
Crikey......I need a lie down after that lot......lol!!! I still have a few to go but they will be a bit slower coming as I have some jobs to do now and then I am at the shop every day next week on my own and I need to get stuff ready for the three classes I will be doing.
Best get cracking on that as DD has just gone out to buy the new Harry Potter to watch tonight.
Bye for now
Friday, 16 November 2007
Who Nicked Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday?!!!
Anyway I have a couple of cards to share today. These are made with some very nice Craft Creations papers that we had in at the shop and the Dot and Stripe stamp set from TandaStamps.
For this card I took inspiration from a layout by Joanne Sanderson which was in the Christmas issue of Beautiful Cards. It was just perfect for the three circular stamps from the Dot and Stripe stamp set.
At the moment I am working on a card for the Pile of Presents challenge which was this weeks Little Extra over at DCM so I will hopefully get that finished to post tomorrow after I have attacked the huge pile of laundry that seems to have appeared from somewhere. I hate washing.......well I do in the winter as my tumble dryer is in an outside store and it is flippin' cold out there and my workroom doesn't get warm as I am in and out all day fetching dry stuff in and taking wet stuff out.
Well I am going to make myself a nice cuppa and the I'm going to read for a bit.
Bye for now
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Daring Cardmakers-Getting Corrugated!!!
This weeks dare was to use corrugated card which I have to admit is not one of my most favourite things to use on a card but I do have a few bits of it lying around which could do with being used up.
So for this card I have used a tree shape (which I cut on the Cricut) as a template to cut a tree from very dark green corrugated card. This and the strip for the side have been dragged over with a white Stazon ink pad to lighten the colour a little.
The red background paper is a paper bag and the tiny 'Joy' sign was purchased from Cally's Christmas Cottage.
I used a white gel pen to add the writing and the stitching.
I have a little crafty tip for you..........I have always hated using those wedgy make up sponges for distressing the edges of cards........they just don't seem to work too well for me.
Anyway the other week I unpacked some MM flowers and brads and the brads were pushed into some quite dense foam which I thought would be a shame to throw out so I have cut it into wedges and it is fantastic for distressing with inks and also for applying chalks. Using this foam with chalks you seem to be able to apply much deeper colour than when you use cotton wool.
I have quite a pile of them now as I have also purchased some Dovecraft brads which came in the same sort of foam.
Hope you find this tip useful.
Well I am off to do a bit more crafting before dinner. Hubby is cooking today and hopefully it will taste as good as it smells.
Bye for now
Friday, 9 November 2007
Blogging In Daylight.......Again!!!
The cards I am sharing today are a couple more I did with the Hero Arts stamps.
The Mona Collage Tag is the Caught In Crystal technique but with a slight twist......I used Christmas napkins instead of plain tissue. The one I used makes a beautiful background as it is gold and beige with small snowflakes in it.
The background for the wisemen card has been made using the Cuttlebug Swirl embossing folder. I then used Opalite Nordic Ice over the top of this and embossed with one layer of clear embossing powder which gives a fantastic texture and doesn't make the piece too thick or heavy for the card.
For the main piece I stamped onto black card using Versamark and embossed with clear embossing powder then again used Opalite ink pads in Sterling Frost and Nordic Ice to add the colour.
I am having a lazy day today.....well lazy for me anyway....lol!!! I'm all snuggled up in my workroom with a tidy desk so I am making a few more cards for the local shop after that I will try and come up with a few designs for workshops and samples for the shop. I have an embarrassingly large pile of new stamps that have not yet been touched including all of the new Hot Off The Press clear sets.......well I couldn't just pick one.....they were all gorgeous...lol!!! What's the betting though that it will take me three hours to decide which stamps to use.
Right best go and start deciding then.
Thanks for dropping by.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
I'm Back!!!
The second card is just stamping and layering on Dovecraft Christmas papers and Bazzill card.
Well I ought to go and get some sleep. I am not quite up to scratch healthwise at the moment. I've had a very sore back and hip for a couple of weeks and I have also been snookered by another ailment........details would be too much information but suffice it to say I think I am single handedly keeping the cranberry juice industry going..lol!!!
I have just about managed to get through the last two days at work but thankfully I have Wednesday off and then a long weekend to look forward to after Thursday.
I was going to the NEC on Friday but DD bought my Christmas pressies down in Totnes so we are not going to bother. We're going to have a lazy day at home instead watching DVD's and getting our strength up to finish off some decorating jobs on Saturday.
Bye for now
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Blogging In Daylight!!!
Today I am working on some samples for the shop demo at Totnes. I have been asked especially by Dave to use some of the new Hero Arts collage stamps so I am having lots of fun with those.
I really need to get them finished today as the rest of the week I have to fit in packing up for Stockport next Saturday around working at the shop and preparing for classes so it's all go here at the moment.
Hubby will be doing a bit of chuntering for the next week or so as I will be taking over the dining table to lay out my lists and the baskets I stack stuff into ready for packing. He hates eating from a tray on his knee but he is not allowed to move anything from the table in case it gets lost.
I don't really want to show the samples ahead of doing the demo so today I am sharing a couple of cards I made for special orders last week.
The anniversary card may seem very strange but it is exactly what I was asked for.....a ruby wedding card for a couple who are both members of the National Vegetable Society and love gardening.
The black and white card was one theme choice I had from the many interests the recipient has. I had a choice of cooking, gardening, shopping and handbags so I chose to do the handbag theme using my Sizzix die. I usually like to add a splash of colour to black and white cards so the Dunelm bloom was perfect. The scan seems to have bleached some of the colour out of it though as it is a much nicer colour IRL.
The lady who ordered the cards was really pleased with them so I just hope the recipients like them too.
Anyway I had best go and get on with these samples.
Bye for now
Friday, 19 October 2007
DCM Little Extra-Christmas Tree
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Santa Baby!!!

So todays cards were made last Christmas using stamps by Rubbadubbadoo and the blue card uses a technique called Opalite Infusion.
A selection of co-ordinating images are stamped onto white cardstock using black Stazon ink (images with some solid areas work better than outline stamps). These are then dried off with a heat gun to make sure that there are no damp spots.
You then need an Opalite ink pad in the colour of your choice along with a selection of dye inks in matching colours. I used Opalite Nordic Ice and a Big and Juicy ink pad called Waterfall.
Once your stamped images are dry cover the entire piece with the Opalite ink then starting with the palest of your dye ink colours pick up ink from the pad using a sponge or cotton wool and starting in the centre blend the dye ink into the Opalite. Next use a medium ink colour and move towards the edges of the card. Finish off with the darkest around the edges.
Dry off and then apply another coat of Opalite and dry again.
You can now mat and layer your finished piece as required.
The author of this technique is Kim Bennington-Thompson and I found it while browsing sites on the internet. It has become one of my most favourite techniques because I had only thought of using Opalite inks on dark card and this is such a cool way to use them on light card too.
The idea for the second card came from that time of year when you go up into the loft and start to bring down the decorations and wrapping paper and such from previous years and you find odd bits and bobs you saved but didn't know why. So this is some tags that have been put into an envelope and some stray bits of packing tissue got caught in there too. I have used assorted papers to represent the odd bits of wrapping paper you save too..........no wonder some of my cards take so long to make......I sometimes think that I think waaaaayyyyy too much......lol!!!
Well now the templates are all made I need to make up the packs to go with them. I find the easiest way to cope with all the bits needed for each project is to pack an envelope with everything in it for each card. During the class the finished card can be put back in the envelope along with any leftover pieces and it keeps everything nice and tidy.
I am now the very proud owner of a Grey's Anatomy t shirt which arrived from the USA yesterday. I have one that says 'seriously' in bright pink....... I love it!!! My next order is going to be for two one saying 'Dark and Twisty' and the other saying 'Bright and Shiny'. I'd love one saying 'The future Mrs McDreamy' but I think hubby might object to that somehow.......lol!!!
Coffee break is over so I had best get back to work for a bit. I have a feeling I shall be seeing the sunrise today as earlier I fell asleep on the sofa while watching a film with hubby and DD. It was called Pathfinder and I didn't like it at all. Too much violence and not enough story for me so I shan't be watching that again in a hurry.
Bye for now
Friday, 12 October 2007
Daring Cardmakers-Christmas Word
The pot was made by trimming down a small piece of silver card and using a stylus tool to emboss the pattern.
Very quick and easy to put together once all the die cutting is done.
The holly card is one I designed last year and one of my most favourites. The patterned paper is all hand stamped and the letters are hand cut using templates made on the computer.
The holly embellishment is a Sizzlit die cut.
Well as far as I am concerned winter is here......lol!!! For the last few days I have had goosebumps on my goosebumps and my toes have never been warm so I have had a ferret in the wardrobe and found a couple of jumpers out and my Cooler boot slippers have been hunted down and dusted down ready for use.
My workroom is like an ice box when the temperature starts to drop and is also very draughty......hence the Coolers to keep the draught off my ankles.
I am a very happy bunny when it's cold as it means I can 'snuggle'. I get out all of my favourite books with winter and Christmas themes and gather all of my Christmas recipe books together to start looking for new things to try out for the freezer. I then spend my coffee breaks on the sofa 'snuggled' under my fleece blanket and either reading or planning cooking sessions for later on next month once my visit to Totnes is finished.
I know you will all think I am totally barking but Autumn and Winter to me are just the best seasons of the year......I love them.
Right I am off to faff about for a bit longer.
Bye for now
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Hello Blog Land!!!
Monday, 1 October 2007
A Not Christmas Card......AT LAST!!!!!
I've had a pretty productive weekend and caught up on quite a lot of stuff.......even the paperwork for the dreaded tax return which took forever. Next year will be different I can tell you. I have already set up a system on the computer and a storage folder and will keep on top of it all.
Another job was to catch up on some special orders and the card above is one of them.
The pregnant lady is from the Cricut New Arrivals cartridge and I have done her in the largest size. Even at that I don't think I will be using her an awful lot. She was fiddly to put together and very wasteful on card and paper as I had to cut a full set of the accessories in each colour. Having said that I am very pleased with the card.
The sentiment is done using the Girls Are Weird Sizzlits alphabet.
I also had an order for a wedding card but that is still drying and I may not have time to scan it before I deliver it tomorrow on my way to work.
Well I had best go and get some beauty sleep.........and blimey do I need it.......lol!!!
Bye for now
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Bad Blogger, Bad Wife!!!
For the ladies who have been asking about my Totnes workshops and Demos there has unfortunately been a bit of a mix up with the dates for October and we are rescheduling it for November. There will be a slight change in the order of things with the demo now taking place on Thursday instead of Saturday due to Finishing Touches having one of their own classes taking place on Thursday morning.
If you would like an update on any cancellations for the classes or anything else please give Dave a ring at the shop an he will let you know what is happening.
Bet you all want to know why I am a bad wife too don't you? Well it is hubby's birthday today and I am sat here blogging when I should be making his card. Luckily his pressies are under control.....wrapped but not written on though. Poor fella......and after the lovely things he did for me on our anniversary. I'll have it done before he wakes up hopefully........lol!!!
The cards I have posted today are some I have done workshops.
The bauble card is my yummy Elusive images stamps yet again.
This was a trifold card with the front piece cut as a half circle but the embellishment was a little too heavy for the card to stand up properly so I removed the half circle and just attached it to make a DL card which now stands up perfectly well.
Cardstock is Bazzill and the backgrounds are done in what I call 'shabby embossing'.
I stamp the images in Versamark and then instead of covering with embossing powder I just sprinkle it over with my fingers and then heat it. It gives a lovely subtle distressed look which really makes the stamped embellishment stand out.
I have made the bauble by cutting one red and one green circle with my Sizzix die and then using a compass cutter to make a slightly larger circle in gold glitter card. The two coloured circles have been stacked ontop of each other and the cut with a craft knife so that when you take one of each colour they fit together perfectly.
I have stamped and fully embossed in gold and then layered them onto the gold card, added a shaped piece for the top of the bauble and a rather gorgeous bow with gold dewdrop stars.
I had to get my beautiful Santa stamp out again. It would seem right to make cards without using him for at least one.
The paper I have used is some that DD bought for me last year. I forgot to look who it was by before I cut it and stuck it down and would you just know I used the bit with the name on..........silly woman!!!
The tags are cut by hand but you can get a Sizzlits set that does some quite similar shaped ones.
Santa is stamped in Denim Adirondack and embossed in clear powder.
I haven't done a card for the new Dare over at DCM yet but I will try and get one done sometime over the weekend.
Right best go and get hubby's card done.
Bye for now
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
And Yet More Christmas!!!
The stamp is actually the swirl pattern on the blue paper of the parcel. It has been embossed with Winter Wonderland EP.
All paper is Basic Grey and the poinsettias have been punched using a large Woodware punch.
Sorry this is such a short post but I have to get to bed to make sure I get up for work.....lol!!!
Bye for now
Sunday, 23 September 2007
I'm still busy but there is light at the end of the tunnel now and hopefully by the end of October I should be back up to scratch with daily blog entries.
Here is a quick card I did for the DCM Little Extra.....a bit late I know.
I have used my new Christmas stamps from an A4 sheet by Elusive Images.
Very simple gold embossing onto gold glitter card which has then been attached to a cracker shaped card and a tag added.
For this one I did white embossing onto pink glitter card. Have to say that although I like the gold one, the pink is my favourite.
I have been watching series three of Grey's Anatomy on the computer while I have been working. We couldn't wait for the release of the Region 2 set so DD bought a multi region player and we have it on Region 1.
I have never ever been so hooked on a TV programme in all my life. It's so bad that DD has ordered me a tee shirt which says 'Seriously' on it in bright pink.......lol!!!
Anyway I must be off for my 5 minutes peace in the bath before I start work again.
Catch you later