
Wednesday, 1 March 2017

I Was Lulled......!!!

......into a false sense of security by the gentle pace that work has been taking place on our conversion.
This morning hell has been unleashed and chaos reigns from the attic down to the back yard. 
I want to cry and curl up in a corner
If I had known it would be this bad I might have asked if Ruby could come for tea tomorrow but I don't like changing plans on her without letting her know. She would be so disappointed to come out of school thinking it was business as usual and finding it's not.
I am keeping out of the way in the dining room. Smudge is barking every time someone goes in or out of the house so he is driving me crackers......and Andy.......well he has buggered off out of the way to fetch his papers.

Nothing of any interest whatsoever going on no sewing and no cooking. I have a pile of housey type magazines which I am going to peruse for help with colour schemes and design ideas for the lounge......and I am going to drink coffee.

I will hopefully see you tomorrow if they haven't carted me off in a straight

Have a fab day.


  1. I understand how you feel, Sheila - we went through the same when we had central heating installed, it was an utter nightmare. The men had a big ghetto blaster blaring out Radio 1, which was competing with all the banging, sawing and general noise. Even after they'd gone each day, the house was left in such a mess (even though they attempted to clear up behind them....but they're men!!), with dust and footprints and dirty fingermarks everywhere. How I didn't have a nervous breakdown I don't know. But the end result is worth it....we have oil C/H, it is extremely efficient and amazingly economical. Hold on to that thought, Sheila.

    1. Holding on by the very tips of my fingers

  2. You must do whatever it takes to stay sane. I fell down a rabbit hole this morning, spotted a dirty hand mark on the banister and have just washed all the paintwork from front door to the end of the landing and bottomed the bathroom. I am not in least bit houseproud, I just get caught up in the whirlwind.

    1. I'm not overly houseproud Pam but I do like it tidy. At the moment everything is all over the place with the bedroom change and the oil conversion. I'll be glad to see some space-x-

  3. Aah...'twill soon be just a dim and distant duster! Hunker down and hide in those magazines. x

    1. I know Jackie and I can't wait.
      These mags are pure escapism...can anybody really afford any of this stuff?

  4. Bless you, hang on in there. It will all be worth it. Enjoy your magazines.

    1. Got through the day...just about. Now need to find a bit more patience to get through the mess of removing vaious tanks tomorrow-x-

  5. I just tell myself "this time tomorrow or this time next week" whatever works this will all be over and a distance memory. A bit of a game really but I find it calms you down and for me it works!

    Hugs dear Sheila and enjoy the sweet Ruby.


    1. 8:06pm Wednesday now....this time tomorrow I should be able to reclaim my house and turn it back into a home-x-

  6. You poor thing Shelia, you know the saying "Keep Calm & Carry On", it will soon be over with and out the way and then life can get back to normal for you xxx

  7. I can't wait Marlene....seems like we have been in a mess forever-x-

  8. You are a good Grandma Sheila carrying on regardless with having Ruby for tea. I'd hate to disappoint a little one as well.

    Ah, dog and workmen. Drives me made here as well. Wendy is a runner. The door only has to be open for a minute and she's gone so we have to put her in the garden if anybody is working. She then spends the entire time barking and scratching at the door to be let in. Bet the neighbours dread us having work done. xx


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