
Monday, 9 September 2019

Sick House!!!

Andy just about scared me to death yesterday.
He said he didn't feel well in the morning but managed to eat his lunch but by mid afternoon he looked and felt very ill. His head hurt and he felt sick so he went to lie down upstairs and that is where he pretty much stayed for the rest of the day and night.
This morning he has managed to see the doctor and been diagnosed with a virus so no work for him today.....bed rest and Ibuprofen/Paracetamol has been prescribed.
His colour is already better than it was yesterday but a day of rest will do him good.

The weather is filthy and wet today so with a patient to feed and a girl who is going to be coming home soaking wet I think a nice pot of chunky leek and potato soup will go down very well for tea.
As for the rest of the week's meals.....I will have to go and do a slightly bigger shop tonight as the freezers are pretty much run down now apart from a few odds and ends so once the soup is simmering away I need to make a meal plan and a shopping list.

The heating thermometer is saying that I can switch it on if I want to but it still feels quite warm to me and I won't be bothering with that unless it gets really chilly tonight. Last night I had my first hot water bottle in bed and I slept like a flippin' log.

I hope you all have a lovely day today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hope Andy feels better after a good rest. Make sure he's getting plenty of fluids.
    I'm sure leek and potato soup will be most welcome after a wet day at work. X


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