
Thursday, 17 January 2019

Another Beautiful Morning!!!

Quite a heavy frost this morning when we got up but now the sky is a lovely hazy blue and there is sunshine.

I'll be upstairs again as soon as Andy has gone off to work and will make a huge effort to get finished so that I can shampoo the carpet so it has until Saturday to dry.
Luckily there is not much to do in the way of cooking today as DD and I will be having beans on toast and a lovely cuppa while we watch some more Game of Thrones. 
We are onto season four and I am still none the wiser as to what is going on apart from lots of chopping off of various body parts and more sex than anybody really needs to

Ruby's visit was an absolute tonic and just what I needed. She has lots of things happening this year and was full of excited chatter about it all. Hard to be sad in the face of all that wonderful excitement.

I can hear Andy's tummy rumbling so I'll go and feed him before I make a cup of coffee and have a go at today's crossword to keep my brain ticking over.

Have a lovely day.


  1. I thought a visit from Ruby would brighten your day. Beans on toast sounds delicious. X

    1. She definitely did that Jules.
      One food I could never give up is baked beans. I absolutely adore them.

  2. Glad Ruby's visit cheered you up! I need to re-watch GOT. I watched series 1 & 2 and that was as far as I got lol

    1. Awww it did cheer me up Sharon.

      We have a box set of seaons 1 to 7 and we are half way through it. I spend most of the time wishing for particularly vile characters to get their come

  3. And that’s what grandchildren are for, obviously. We had terribly heavy hail showers last night. x

    1. Yes they are Jackie....such a blessing.

      I think a few of your hail stones blew up here as we had a few lying in various places this morning.


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