
Friday, 14 July 2017

Ding Dong The Rat Is Dead!!!

The last lot of rat poison has done it's job and one deceased rat has been found and disposed of this morning.
I feel really horrible that we have killed a poor innocent creature but at the same time I'm glad I won't be seeing him coming out from under the shed again.
Hope he is the first we've had in twenty years....and the last.

Big birthday here today. Smudge is one hundred and five in doggy years and fifteen in human years.
Mad things that we are we have sung happy birthday to him and he has been spoiled with a new toy and some treats.

DD and I were up and out this morning and have been to the garden centre for breakfast and a walk round to price up some of the elements we need for Maggies garden. We didn't buy any of it this morning as the ground isn't even dug over yet but it's nice to get ideas in place.
I did get a bargain though. They have a clearance on household things and I picked up a can crusher which I have been wanting for ages....£3.50 reduced from £14.99 and I also bought a pack of blank cards as I would like to start making cards again....just for my own use.

Another simple meal tonight for DD and I....tomato soup and a cheese sandwich but I think we will give the box sets a rest for today and start again next week.
We finished Oz last night and it went out with a whimper rather than a bang which was quite disappointing but overall we did enjoy it and it will be worth watching again at some point in the future.

....and that's about it for today just a few things to get the house weekend ready and then we will please ourselves what we do for the rest of the day.

Hope you all have a good day.


  1. Living on farmland as we do, we do sometimes see rats in the garden, husband has killed a few in traps. I'm not scared of them but am glad they never come indoors! (we have had the odd mouse or two indoors, one of which I saw running all over the kitchen worktops, which did freak me out - I spent ages scrubbing everything down after that). Happy birthday Smudge, wow 105, that's a good age. Enjoy the rest of your day, Sheila.

    1. It's funny Sooze but we are surrounded by farmland and this rat is the first we have seen in over twenty years.
      I don't mind mice but I think I would freak out if I saw one in my kitchen-x-

  2. I don't like killing, but the last thing you want is an infestation, glad you got rid of it at last, a can crusher is a very good idea x

    1. I felt so guilty killing it Marlene but as you say...we don't want an infestation-x-

  3. Keep up with the rat poison or they will be back.

  4. Rats and mice don't bother me but I wouldn't appreciate an infestation. Happy Birthday Smudge. X

    1. Mice I can cope with but rats give me the heeby jeebies-x-

  5. I wouldn't peg out for a few days after I'd seen a rat at the bottom of our garden lol. Glad you've got rid of yours.

    Happy Birthday to Smudge. At the grand old age of 105 he definitely should have Happy Birthday sung to him and a treat or two.

    Just been catching up with you and your garden is looking lovely. DD obviously works very hard to keep it looking so nice. xx

    1. Lol Suzanne...I don't do running but you should have seen how fast I was getting from the back door to the car while Ratty was about.

  6. Glad you managed to get rid of the rat. Happy Birthday to Smudge, a great age.

  7. For the first time ever we have seen a rat in the gardens in this row. I think it is since the jungle in a nearby garden was cleared after the house sold. A couple of months ago my daughter's greyhound caught and killed it but since then I have seen another one. I am scared of using poison because of the dogs and so far it hasn't caused a problem as long as it stays out there.Hope you don't get any more.

    1. That very same thing happened to us when we lived in town some years ago after a couple of houses had had their back gardens cleared.
      We put the poison well out of reach of Smudge as I just know he would try it if he saw it-x-

  8. Happy Birthday Smudge...I hope your new toy isn't rat shaped by chance?! x

    1. ratty shaped toys here....he got a


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