
Sunday, 21 May 2017

Slow Days!!!

Since Wednesday I have been on another planet. My head is full of fog and my limbs feel like they are dragging through treacle.
I just want to lay down and never do anything ever again.
I know it will pass but at the moment everything is so raw and painful.

Tomorrow Maggie's amazing children will begin the preparations for the funeral. It is going to be a celebration of a life in colour and sound for Maggie who was as colourful as they come.
I really can't wait for it to be over.


  1. Thoughts are with you, Sheila. Let your kind and caring family help you through this awful time. Catriona

  2. Your sister looks like a wonderful lady. I'll be sending you hugs and good thoughts at this terrible time.

  3. So sorry to hear your sad news Sheila - sending you and your lovely family lots of hugs and prayers - look after yourself and take things gently xx

  4. Awful time for you all, please take care of yourself Sheila x

  5. Thinking of you and sending sincere condolences to you and your family.

  6. There must have been so much love for there to be so much pain. Each hour at a time, each day at a time, thinking about you xx

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself...

  8. Like Chris I am sending tender hugs and wish you lived nearer so I could give them to you for real.
    Hazel c uk

  9. Oh Sheila....stand still a minute....hug...squeeze...wiggle...go easy my friend. xx

  10. It sounds as though your lovely sister Maggie will leave lots of happy memories for you all to cherish. xx

  11. I have only just read your post Sheila. My sincere condolences to you and Maggie's family. It's too sad for words xx


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