
Friday, 31 March 2017

Up With The Sparrers!!!

I wanted to be up early this morning so made sure that I didn't stay up half the night.
Ruby is due to be dropped off here at 8am for Grandad to take her to school so I didn't want to miss out on a quick cuddle before she went and I want to get the house jobs done early so that I can spend the afternoon sewing and hopefully get the quilt finished.
There are only twelve squares left to quilt and trim and then it's just a case of sewing them into rows and adding them to what I have already done.
If I get time I will also do the cushion cover. That will be that project over and then I can whip up one of the Beatrice apron/dresses for myself before I start on some more little dresses for Marlowe.

I shopped for salad last night and some cold meat so that tea tonight will be quick and easy. We still have lots of homemade pickles left so I'll serve some of those as well.

.......and that is me for today.
The computer will be going off shortly for the day so that it doesn't distract me and I will catch up with the daily round of blogs later.
Have a fabulous day y'all.


  1. wow you are going well with the quilt, yes off with the computer they do distract and steal time :-)

    1. Computer off. Quilt finished.
      Chuffed to bits-x-

  2. Ewww go you! Don't go burning out your motor! x

    1. My motor burnt out years
      The machine....nah...she is a mean machine-x-

  3. My sewing mojo is back, with a vengeance. Just have to finish the peacock scarf.

    1. Get knitting then
      I have missed your sewing posts-x-

  4. Love how you say 'whip up a dress', that's the sort of sewing I'd like to be able to do. I may push myself this year and see if I can sew a tunic style top for myself. Then again maybe that's just wishful thinking. Laptop hasn't been on much here this week either. Thomas has been off school sick and what with that and the usual bits that need doing....well you know how it is :)

    Have a lovely weekend. xx

    1. Really Suzanne this pattern is so simple it will be whipped up in no time.
      I've enjoyed today with no computer on so I think that will be happening more often.
      Once I've written my blog in the morning there is no need for it to be on really-x-


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