
Thursday, 1 December 2016

Ruddy T'internet Shopping!!!

My day today has been spent trying to find those last minute bits and bobs of gifts on t'internet as I just can't face trekking around the shops. From a list of five things I have found one and I feel as knackered as if I had been round the shops.
Ruby asked me last night if I thought Santa could bring her some grey stretch trousers for school.........can I find any?
I bought just about the last DesignAFriend doll at Argos for my niece and wanted another outfit to go with it......not a single one left in stock to collect and I am not paying four quid to have a faffing tiny little box delivered so I went with the hairdressing set.
I really hate internet

We have just sat down to eat a lovely beef stew that been simmering all day long. Mine's a bit hot so I am letting it cool a bit while I write this.
Once tea is done with DD and I are off down to the Doodles to deliver presents to be taken down to London at the weekend. I hope they like them when they open them on Christmas morning.

Right.....I'll go and scoff me tea.
Thanks for dropping by today.


  1. I have never really tried internet shopping, I think the stress of it all would probably do me in.

  2. Yum....beef stew...just right for a freezing winters evening. x

  3. Internet shopping takes me twice as long because I get distracted by thinking "I'll just try that site to see if it's cheaper". Before I know it I have several shops 'up' that I'm looking in, jumping backwards and forwards constantly. It's more mentally tiring than proper shopping and I find it either goes well or is a terrible experience - there's no inbetween. I don't like paying for delivery either and try to use free store pick up as often as I can. xx


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