
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Melting Point!!!

Ooooh I hope this hot weather isn't set to go on for too long. It's making me so crotchety and headachey. Don't get me wrong.....I love to see the sun making everywhere bright but I just don't like the heat. It's too hot to take Ruby to the park even as there is no shade. We are having garden picnics and paddling pool days in the shadiest bits of the garden and when she gets tired we crank up the fan and lie on the sofa watching either Despicable Me or Monsters Inc......depending on which is the current favourite of The Princess.
I have to admit that mine is Despicable Me.......I just love those minions.
Very lazy food being prepared and eaten. Mostly salads and cold meats but everyone seems happy with that.
I have Ruby for a couple more weeks and then she is off to London for a holiday so I have booked myself to give the main bedroom a bit of a makeover as it hasn't really been touched since we moved here. Luckily DD will be off work so I will have an assistant. Can't say that I am looking forward to it but it has to be done.
I think I shall go and get a cold drink and then have a lie down in front of the fan. It's stifling in this back room tonight.
Tara for now.

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