
Sunday, 12 August 2012

Had Enough Now!!!

This stamp sorting/packing/pricing thing is starting to get a tiny bit teejus now. I am being completely ruthless and keeping only ones I know I will use again/can't bear to part with and when you consider that I have literally thousands of stamps to go through I'm sure you can understand the boredom.
A change of job tomorrow....which I am sure will do me good....Miss Doodle will be here and I have to carry on with the toilet training started on Friday. With that in mind I have given the outside loo a thorough scrubbing and installed Ruby's training seat.
I quite often thank the previous owners of this house for putting that loo out useful when you're out in the garden and I am sure we will have less accidents than if we haul Ruby upstairs every time.
For saying it's been dark and wet today it sure has been warm. I really regretted offering to cook a full roast for our lunch today. I looked like a cooked lobster by the time I had was very tasty though....roast lamb with all the trimmings.....yum, yum!!!
Ah peace for the wicked. There is laundry to fold and a few pots to wash before I can settle down with my book.
Bye for now......thanks for visiting.

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