
Monday, 9 June 2008

Normal Service Will Soon Be Resumed!!!

Sorry for the lack of posts since Wednesday. I have been very busy with work both my own and at the shop and I am trying in between all this to sort my son out ready for moving at the end of the month. I am trying to kit him and his GF out with as much stuff as I can for the kitchen so lots of cupboard sorting going on.
You might be pretty glad that I am not around much as this warm weather has turned me into a right grumpy old bat and all I want to do is sleep.
Sorry to all you sun lovers but...........roll on winter!!!
Hope to be back tomorrow.
Bye for now.
Ooooops nearly forgot to say a huge thanks to everyone who e mailed me to let me know where I could get the Scor-Pal in the UK. You guys are fab.

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